
Student showcase: floral chine collé lino printing with Creative Calligraphy

During June and July I had a great time with Angela Reed of Creative Calligraphy and her two groups that meet regularly on Thursdays and Fridays, teaching her groups how to create chine collé lino prints. This is part of Angela’s larger Calligraphy and Creative Wellbeing project, that you can read all about on her blog.

In the first week I took everyone through the process of lino carving, going through the tools and materials needed, and what was needed to create a good chine collé print.

In the second week we had a full two hour printing session! We started off with plain one colour prints, in order to learn how to get a great print, and then we moved on to creating the chine collé prints using collage.

As you can see from the gallery above, everyone did absolutely brilliantly – what stunning prints!

As always, it was a real pleasure to work with Angela and her groups. Well done, everyone!

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