Student showcase: paint and stitch

Student showcase: paint and stitch

Over the last few weeks my community art group have been having fun with paint and stitch. Everyone started off by creating abstract pieces with acrylic paints, stencils and texture paste. Then everyone added stitching and a bit of collage to those backgrounds. These are just a sample of the fantastic pieces everyone created. I…

Student showcase: chine colle lino printed Christmas cards at Ellingham Village Hall

Student showcase: chine colle lino printed Christmas cards at Ellingham Village Hall

I had a fantastic day at Ellingham Village Hall yesterday as part of Highlights Rural Touring showing an enthusiastic group how to create lino printed Christmas cards using collage. As you can see from the photos, everyone really took to the method and created some beautiful cards. Thank you so much to Eileen at Ellingham Village Hall for looking…

Student showcase: Metal embossed Christmas ornaments at Gleaston Village Hall

Student showcase: Metal embossed Christmas ornaments at Gleaston Village Hall

Shown above are 13 fabulous double sided Christmas ornaments that were made on the first of my Christmas workshops for Highlights Rural Touring! These were all made by a lovely group at Gleaston Village Hall in south Cumbria yesterday, and as you can see, everyone took so well to the process and made the ornaments…

Student showcase: messy mandalas with Creative Calligraphy

Student showcase: messy mandalas with Creative Calligraphy

Some ‘in action’ shots of some of the fantastic mandalas that were drawn on my workshops for Angela Reed of Creative Calligraphy yesterday and today. I always enjoy delivering workshops for Angela’s groups and it was lovely to be back and see everyone again. I was at South Shields both yesterday and today to deliver this…

Student showcase: metal embossed Japanese stab bound sketchbook

Student showcase: metal embossed Japanese stab bound sketchbook

Four fabulous metal embossed Japanese stab bound sketchbooks were made on my workshop in the studio yesterday. We started off creating a practice piece of metal embossing to get used to the tools and materials and how best to use them. Three students designed their own motifs and one decided to go with one of…

Student showcase: Chine collé floral lino printing with Breathing Space

Student showcase: Chine collé floral lino printing with Breathing Space

It was the last of my summer workshops at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert this afternoon and here are just a handful of the beautiful chine collé lino prints that were made on the workshop today. Aren’t they all gorgeous? I always love teaching at Breathing Space and today was another fabulous day. It was…

Student showcase: metal embossed coasters with Breathing Space

Student showcase: metal embossed coasters with Breathing Space

I was back at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert today for the second of my summer workshops with them. I always love teaching at Breathing Space, it’s such a wonderful venue. There were quite a few familiar faces today, who had been on previous workshops with me, both here and further afield, as well as…

Student showcase: floral chine collé lino printing with Creative Calligraphy

Student showcase: floral chine collé lino printing with Creative Calligraphy

During June and July I had a great time with Angela Reed of Creative Calligraphy and her two groups that meet regularly on Thursdays and Fridays, teaching her groups how to create chine collé lino prints. This is part of Angela’s larger Calligraphy and Creative Wellbeing project, that you can read all about on her blog. In the…

Student showcase: chine collé floral lino printing – Soulby

Student showcase: chine collé floral lino printing – Soulby

I had a fantastic day at Soulby Village Hall yesterday, teaching a lovely group chine collé lino printing, for my second trip to this lovely village as part of Highlights Rural Touring Scheme. Everyone took to the method so well, and the time just flew by. A couple even had a go at printing up with…