Student Showcase: six week metal embossing course, weeks 2 to 4
My six week metal embossing course being held in conjunction with Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert is going really well. Everyone has been working on larger projects during these few weeks, and two of them were finished today. On the left is a wonderfully intricate bookmark, and on the right a very elegant house number….

Student Showcase: Make a Junk Journal workshop
I had the pleasure of meeting three lovely ladies today who booked a Make a Junk Journal workshop on demand as a group. They all had a specific project in mind for future junk journal making, and it was great to chat with them and hear all about their plans. They each made a beautiful…

Student Showcase: Introduction to Celtic knotwork workshop
Today I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely gentleman for a one-to-one introduction to Celtic knotwork workshop. With it being a one-to-one class, we were able to cover much more ground than usual, and even got on to how to create a Celtic cross. Lots of beautiful knots were made, as you can see…

Student Showcase: Six week metal embossing course: week 1
Today saw the start of a six week metal embossing course, held in conjunction with Breathing Space at Witton Gilbert. For this week, everyone worked on creating a metal embossed coaster, using designs that I took along. We started off using a practice piece of metal first, to get used to the tools and materials….

Student Showcase: Multi Media Journal Making Course: week 3
Today saw the last session of my three week journal making course, and what a lovely course it was! In week 1 I taught basic lino carving and printing and we printed up the fabric for the spines of the books. In week 2 I taught gelli printing and a fun acrylic paint technique and…

Student Showcase: Accordion Flag Book Workshops
I had a fantastic two mornings yesterday and today with the groups that Angela Reed of Creative Calligraphy runs in South Shields. I showed everyone how to make an accordion flag book, which is a fun structural book, that’s great for putting on display. I took plenty of art materials with me, and everyone got creative…

Student Showcase: Multi Media Journal Making Course – week 2
We had so much fun on part two of my three week journal making course. My little studio is now full of beautiful decorative papers that we made using acrylic paints and gelli prints. Here are just a few of the papers we ade. Next week we’ll be making the journals using some of the…

Student Showcase: Multi Media Journal Making Course, week 1
This afternoon saw the start of my three week multi media journal making course. Step one was to learn how to carve lino in order to create some hand printed fabric to create the spine of the book. We went through the basics of lino carving, how to use the tools and materials, practiced some…

Student Showcase: Mindful Messy Mandalas workshop
I had a wonderful afternoon with three lovely ladies on my ‘Mindful Messy Mandalas’ workshop. The whole aim of the workshop was to play with paints and drawing mandala motifs and to relax and enjoy playing and experimenting with the materials. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the process and created beautiful mandalas, as you can see. We…

Student Showcase: Junk Journal Workshop
I had a fun morning showing two lovely ladies how to recycle papers, cardboard packaging, wrapping paper and fabric from around their homes in to hand bound journals that are unique to them. All three of us turned out to be keen knitters and crocheters too, so we had lots of good yarn chat, as…