
Studio blog: metal embossed clock

Back in November last year I finished my first metal embossed clock prototype, created in copper, which you can read about in this blog post.

The clock shown here has been created in aluminium and has a few improvements on the first one. The photos above show the process from my initial drawing of the design, to transferring it on to the metal, and the various stages of embossing and antiquing.

For this clock I was able to source some metal clock hands and a better clock mechanism, which I am pleased with. I’m still not entirely happy with the hands though, as I don’t think they are totally in keeping with the design of the clock, so the hunt for the perfect clock hands continues!

I also finished off the edge of this clock differently to the first one, and am much happier with the result. My method created a flat edge to the clock and is much neater.

So I am very happy with prototype number two, and I think this way is how I will work in future – I just need to find those perfect clock hands!

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