Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 6

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 6

Proud teacher alert 😁 It was the last lesson of my six week Celtic knotwork course at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert this afternoon, and what a fantastic class it was! Using some of my original designs as inspiration, everyone plotted out their grids to create the artwork and got stuck in to their final…

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 5

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 5

Today was week five of my six week Celtic knotwork drawing course at Breathing Space at Witton Gilbert, and my students surpassed themselves with their work! Drawing Celtic knots in a circle can be a tough challenge, yet everyone got stuck right in and created wonderful knots. I’m so proud of everyone! Next week is…

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 4

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 4

I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going by, we’re already in week four of my Celtic knotwork drawing course at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert! This week we worked on adding even more details to Celtic crosses and borders, and also had an opportunity to play as well. As you can see, lots…

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 3

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 3

This week we moved on to creating simple Celtic crosses and borders. We were a bit shorter on participants due to various reasons that couldn’t be avoided, but as you can see, there were still plenty of fabulous knots created! There was time for a bit of experimenting too, for those who wanted to try…

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 2

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 2

This afternoon saw week 2 of my six week Celtic knot drawing course at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert, and wow!, everyone did fantastically well! We moved on from the basic knot I taught in week one on to how to make the knot more intricate. Once they had learned the technique everyone was free…

Student Showcase: Celtic Knotwork Drawing for Beginners workshop

Student Showcase: Celtic Knotwork Drawing for Beginners workshop

I had a lovely couple on my Celtic Knotwork for Beginners workshop today. We went through how to create the basic knot, and then moved on to how to start creating more intricate patterns. There was time to play and experiment and have a go at creating their own patterns too. As you can see,…

Student Showcase: Metal Embossed House Numbers workshop

Student Showcase: Metal Embossed House Numbers workshop

I had a lovely couple book a bespoke workshop with me today to celebrate their copper wedding anniversary. We work in copper to create these metal embossed plaques, so it was perfect for them! Obviously they did not need two house numbers, so one created the house number and the other created a plaque featuring…

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 1

Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 1

I was thrilled to be asked back to Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert in order to run a six week course on Celtic knotwork drawing. We started off this first week learning how to create a plain knot. Once everyone had learned the basics, they were free to play and create knots of their own,…

Student Showcase: Celtic Knotwork for Beginners Workshop

Student Showcase: Celtic Knotwork for Beginners Workshop

I had a wonderful morning teaching a Celtic Knotwork for Beginners course with a very lovely lady. As well as learning all about the basics of creating Celtic knots, we also had lots of interesting chats. This even ended up in me having homework to do, being given lots of interesting info about topology! Lots…