Student Showcase: Six week Celtic knotwork drawing course for beginners – week 6
Proud teacher alert 😁 It was the last lesson of my six week Celtic knotwork course at Breathing Space in Witton Gilbert this afternoon, and what a fantastic class it was!
Using some of my original designs as inspiration, everyone plotted out their grids to create the artwork and got stuck in to their final pieces. They worked on creating their knot outlines in class and were all taking the pieces home to finish and colour.
Everyone was able to ‘read’ my designs in order to interpret what base grid they should create, and for me that was the best achievement of all. Everyone was a complete beginner at the start of the course, so for them to understand how a Celtic knot works and recreate it, shows just how much they have studied and understood the principles. I’m so proud of everyone!
Amazing work everyone, you’ve really made my week, never mind my day!
If you would like to learn Celtic knotwork with me, then I run a regular Celtic Knotwork Drawing for Beginners workshop in my studio. I’ll also be teaching this more in depth six week course later in the year, join my newsletter to be the first to hear about that.